School for Young Artists
Outdoor Mural

Archive by Category

It’s Time to Party!

David Laks has completed our one-minute video and it’s just what we need to bring more of our community on board. It truly represents us, old and young in various walks of life. But before we disseminate it and use it for a Go Fund Me, we’re going to party!  Join us to be among [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Idea People Unite! Mural Meeting this Sunday.

Let’s brainstorm to find the most inspirational, most spirit lifting Theme for Housts’ Mural Wall. See you on Sunday, March 6TH, 1:00 at Kathy’s school. We have a few great ones already. LANDMARKS OF WOODSTOCK. Have the wall appear to be a giant window either into the Hardware store or into a workshop — sort of [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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Community Art

Imagine walking in the parking lot behind H. Houst and Son’s hardware store and, as you approach the back door, seeing a gigantic wall mural. Houst’s in partnership with The School for Young Artists is creating a community mural and we want everyone to be involved. The first step is to brainstorm possible themes. We want your ideas. Those [...]... [ Join the Discussion, Ask Questions, Introduce a New Topic! ]

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